Basal Implant

Immediate Loading

Dental Implants and a complete fixed bridge in 5 days

Expidental sourire

Best choice for severe bone loss cases

Basal Implant : Definition

Basal implant is an advanced dental implantology technique that involves inserting an implant directly into the deep, well-mineralized layer of the jawbone, known as basal or cortical bone. This technique offers the possibility of immediate loading (placement of a dental crown within 72 hours) and does not require an osseointegration delay. The basal implant is fast, reliable, and economical, but it requires special training and a specialization that few dentists have.

implant basal chargement immédiat basal dental implant

Basal implants are considered the best choice for people with moderate or severe jaw atrophy who may need a bone graft or sinus lift with traditional implants. The new generation of basal implants requires a less invasive operation without opening gums, which allows rapid healing in just a few days. With the basal implant, the placement of the permanent prosthesis (crowns) is almost immediate, saving time and costs compared to traditional implants that often require bone grafting procedures and can take up to a year to be treated.

implant basal chargement immédiat

Full mouth restoration with Basal implants

Modern techniques of complete jaw restoration with the basal implants recommend the placement of 10 implants in the upper jaw (maxilla) and 8 implants in the lower jaw (mandible). These implants will form the abutments on which a fixed prosthesis of 12 solidary crowns will be permanently mounted on each jaw, thus giving maximum stability and comfort.

implant basal panoramique chargement immédiat

Restauration Bouche Complete

Basal implants are also a viable option for smokers, diabetics, and people with severe or chronic periodontitis, as it has a smooth surface that significantly reduces the risk of post-operative infection around the implant (peri-implantitis). Peri-implantitis is considered the main cause of failure and loss of traditional implants.


Advantages of Basal Implants

  1. One-step process
  2. Fast, safe, and painless implantology procedure
  3. Does not require bone grafting
  4. Monobloc implant system (screw and abutment in one piece)
  5. Minimally invasive and less traumatic procedure
  6. Very strong bone support
  7. Immediate loading (crowns in 48-72 h.)
  8. Good solution for severe bone loss
  9. Possible solution for patients with diabetes, smokers, or cardiovascular diseases
  10. Good alternative for patients with advanced or chronic gum disease
  11. Virtually no post-operative infectious incidences

Treatment Steps

implant complet all on 6 fixed dental bridge on implant

Full jaw restoration can be accomplished in one visit of 5 days

1. Premier jour

les implants dentaires
  • Consultation and clinical examination
  • Other radiological examinations (3D scan)
  • Treatment plan and final quote
  • Placement of dental implants
  • Taking dental prints

2. Troisième jour

  • Fitting of prosthesis structure

3. Cinquième Jour

restauration machoire implant complet all on 4 fixed dental bride on implant
  • loading of fixed bridge

Complete rehabilitation of the jaw with the Basal Implants is not a painful procedure. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia; however, intravenous sedation is available for phobic patients.

To receive a comprehensive treatment plan and a quote